

  • improve energy and vitality
  • recover body and spirit
  • build confidence

Why private classes?

Individual approach

Comfort is important. Having an instructor makes a difference. A class that meets your individual needs gives you the power to improve.

Why Yoga?

Healthy lifestyle

Yoga is a blank canvas. It can be about strength, it can be about flexibility, it can be about a quiet mind, or a vibrant spirit. Best of all it can be what you need it to be today.

Any other benefits?

No fixed terms

You decide how to approach the world. Spoke Yoga is here to support you, not tell you what to do. We will meet you where you are today.

What can we share with you?

Everybody has different needs. Whether you want to start on solid foundation, get support in reaching your personal goal, or have particular scheduling we would like to support your needs.

Get the Benefits of Yoga.

Get individual attention and a class that fits you. Schedule your appointment online.
Schedule a Private Class - starting at $54.00
Hatha Yoga focuses on form over motion. The slower pace lends itself to therapy and new students. Advanced practice can challenge both strength and endurance through finding stability in held poses.
Vinyasa transitions from pose to pose in time with the breath. These classes often include faster music and a focus on more athletic movements. Advanced practice offers creative transitions that challenge strength and resilience.